From Keith and David:
Good morning to each of you.
As I look out onto the snow that has been falling steadily since early morning I can at least say that our 7 month old Springer Spaniel pup finds it absolutely fantastic.
Theresa, our lovely Pilates instructor, made the March draw and the winning number 23 is held by Angeline Titterton of Buxton.
This is an important month for us with decisions on two grant applications being due. However we have a Plan B to fall back on if needed which would mean a partial reliance on interest free smallish loans from a number of families in the village that have approached us. We did this previously when we tackled the roof and repaid two families within 3 months. The kitchen refurbishment will happen in July.
Bookings are significantly up on previous years with several major activities planned – two wedding receptions, a school Arts long weekend workshop, a potential Arts and Crafts long weekend in August and a twice postponed Scottish choir week long choir visit. We also have three music events of our own planned:
- DJ Rob’s ‘Kitchen Disco’ on 22nd April with all proceeds going to, you’ve guessed it, the kitchen refurbishment (see attachment). Tickets are on sale from the Post Office and Village Stores or Rob Tenty himself.
- 27th May ‘ Jazz in the Village’ with Scottish duo Ian Millar and Dominic Spencer as part of their 2023 British tour. Among the reviews ‘Beautiful soaring magic! I was blown away by your show, just breath-taking!’ This is a joint enterprise between ourselves and Ian and Dominic – not viewed as a major money-spinner but simply a chance to bring something rather different to our community. Tickets will be available next week from the PO, Village Stores or Liz or myself.
- 30th September ‘Hungrytown’, an American folk duo dropping in on their UK tour. Go to . A quote from the New York Music Daily ‘ “The 50 Best Albums of 2015 ‘Further West’, The most elegantly arranged and arguably best album by poignant Americana songstress Rebecca Hall and multi-instrumentalist Ken Anderson’s plaintive folk noir band.”
We hope to see many of you, with family and friends, at the above events. If the May and September events are well supported we will commit to regular future similar high quality events. Put the dates in your calendar!
Finally, another date for your diaries. On Tuesday 28th March (2.00-4.00) members of the Folk Club that meet fortnightly at the Hall will be performing music and poetry at our monthly Rural Social Group. Tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes as usual. If you’ve never come along before do drop in. We had close to 50 attend our February coming together.
Kind regards,
Keith and David