Welcome to the Litter Picking group page.
A group of volunteers from across our community helping to keep our beautiful village and surrounding countryside free from litter.
Many of our volunteers do their own regular pick ups throughout the year, and we organize an annual ‘Hartington Spring Clean’ event in late March/early April when volunteers are involved in clearing litter from the village, the roads radiating from the village centre and along the popular lanes and footpaths. Under the banner of Hartington Community Group we tackle the countryside at a time that coincides with ‘The Great British Spring Clean’.
We can provide litter pickers and pink sacks from the village hall. DDDC will collect pink sacks if left near the village litter bins.
Contact: Keith Quine johnkeithquine@gmail.com 07709 094687 or Phillip Neal Phillip_neal@hotmail.co.uk 07714 895175