There will be a very short service of Remembrance being held this Sunday, November 8th, 10.50 am at the War Memorial. The focus will be on the reading of the names of the Fallen and the ceremonial wreath laying.
Social distancing regulations must be adhered to, the wearing of masks is recommended.
The area close to the Memorial itself should, on Government advice, be reserved for representatives of the Church or British Legion, those laying wreaths and members or ex members of the armed forces or their representatives. A full list of names of those attending the ceremony will be required for possible test and trace.
Other members of the community are legally permitted to stop and watch the event as spectators, but again on government advice, event organisers are advised to take reasonable steps to discourage the public from attending.
We understand that many members of this community will want to attend, but those wishing to watch should do so from a safe distance, observe social distancing and must only attend with their own household or those in their support bubble, or one other person.