Before COVID-19 entered our world Halloween was something which many of the village children looked forwards to and a number of households in the village have been keen to help them celebrate.

The idea of passing items to our children is not possible this year as we try to reduce the spread of the virus and it is important that social distancing is maintained.

As an alternative to more traditional Halloweens we are hoping that residents and business owners display a pumpkin or decoration so that it can be seen from roads and pavements. Parents can then follow the trail with their children and, if they chose, give their own children a treat at each pumpkin. Government Covid 19 guidelines must be followed and there should be no door knocking or Trick and Treating at households.

The children can then still have the excitement of Halloween but safely.

So far around 20 households and businesses have agreed to take part and there is still time to add yourself to the list by sending details to . Closing for this is Friday 23rd October at 7pm. A map of the pumpkin locations will be posted this Saturday, 24th October to allow you plenty of time to plan your route safely.

Thank you for your support.