Day 100 and the final daily post of what has turned out to be an epic journey around Hartington Virtual Open Gardens. Like most things 2020 it wasn’t expected to go on this long ! The pictures today come from a first visit to Elizabeth’s garden with climbing roses, pots in a sunny spot, colourful troughs, and finishing with a view across the garden to St Giles’ Church.
Photos posted from now on to are likely to appear in a selective summary each week.
Thank you to all those gardeners and those claiming not to be gardeners for contributing to this feature and to John G and Liz B for the original idea…… hopefully it has brought a smile during lockdown.
With the longest day having passed and the nights starting to draw in it will soon be time to begin to think about Hartington Advent Windows 2020 with a theme of A Country Christmas. Too early? Sorry !