The annual flu vaccination clinics are well underway. The uptake for number of people attending for vaccination is already up by 15% from previous years.
As uptake has increased nationally, the NHS is managing vaccination stock levels via staged distribution. This means that the Surgery can only plan flu clinics when it is sure that stock has arrived. This process is being carefully planned to ensure that everyone who is eligible will receive their vaccination, although you may have to wait for a later clinic appointment.
The NHS has publicised information saying that people aged from 50 to 64 years will also be vaccinated this year. If you are in this age group, please do not contact the Surgery for your vaccination until you receive notification. It is hoped that clinics will take place later in the year after those people, who are most at risk, are vaccinated first.
The Surgery is ‘open for business’ and operating a range of services. Appointments are, initially, via a telephone, or video consultation. If, following discussion with the clinician, you require a ‘face to face’ appointment this will be arranged. If you are unwell, or concerned about anything, please do not hesitate to contact the Surgery.
You can now send a message to the Surgery, and request advice, via a new electronic communication tool called ‘E-Consult’. This can be accessed from the home page on the Hartington Surgery website. In addition to sending messages to the Surgery, and requesting advice, it also has useful health information. You may find this quicker, and more convenient than telephoning the Surgery.
Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding during this difficult time.