Hello to everyone associated with any event and activity in Hartington!
Hartington Community Group (HCG) is the umbrella group that holds together all the events and activities going on in Hartington. We have our Annual General Meeting at 5pm (not 6pm) on Weds 9th February to which everyone is invited – we’d love a full turn out. It will last about 15 minutes and then we will move into a general meeting (we hold the general meetings twice a year) and again everyone is invited to stay for that. This is the opportunity to get to know about what goes on in Hartington. Both meetings will be held in the village hall, please bring a mask we will sit socially distanced. We must finish by 6.45pm at the latest ready for the dance club to start. If you cannot stay until the end (or can only attend the AGM) that is fine.
- HCG AGM will be held 5pm on Weds 9th Feb in the Village Hall. Please see agenda attached.
- The HCG general meeting will follow straight on – please see agenda attached.
Further to the information, please note that we are looking to recruit a vice chair for the HCG. It would be good to complete this appointment at the AGM so please have an informal chat with Liz Broomhead if you are interested to find out more or if you have an idea for a nomination.
Any apologies to Liz Broomhead please liz@broomhead.net
Thank you and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on 9th Feb.
Liz Hitch (Secretary HCG)