Happy New Year everyone. Here is a list of some of the events taking place in Hartington in January


Monday  -9,16,23,30- Yoga – 9.30-11am Badminton – 7.30-10pm

Monday – 16,23,30-HYPAC 5.30-7pm

 Tuesday – Wriggles & Giggles- 17,24, 31st – 10.30-12noon

Tuesday – Table Tennis Club – 10,17,24,31st 7.30-9.30pm

Wednesday – 4,18,25th 10.30-11.30 – Pilates 11.45-12.30 -Chair Pilates

Wednesday – 11,18,25th -7.30-10pm – Social Dance Club

Thursday – 5, 19th – Activities Club – 2-4pm; Scouts- Folk Club 8-10.30pm

Thursday – 12,26th -Scouts- 6.30-7.30

Friday – 13,20,27th Yoga; Friday Club 3.30-5pm 

Saturday  – 21st Burns Night – British Legion – 7.30 ticket for Meal/ raffle – £10, Quiz 9pm – all proceeds to charity

Tuesday – 24th Rural Social Group (RSG) – 2-4pm

Saturday – 28th 8-till late- “Rock and January Blues Breaker”- local band- fund raiser for the Village Hall


Check noticeboards etc. around the village for further updates etc.