We have learned that our grant application to Derbyshire Dales UKSPF Community Resilience Fund, a new fund that replaces former EU monies to support rural areas, has been successful.
The grant application was for £13,186 and the full sum representing 80% of the quoted costs of a complete refurbishment of our three toilet areas has been agreed. One key element of the application was to offer evidence that the community supported the initiative and reference to our past developments which used lottery income as seed monies for grants was persuasive while we were also able to quote hard evidence of early September lottery subscriptions that at the time of application stood at 60. David informed me yesterday that we now have 104 subscriptions – a fantastic response from the community.
We will now talk to contractors about when the refurbishment can happen but I am delighted to confirm to you that once again our commitment to a specific development at Hartington Village Hall will be fulfilled.
Our first draws for both September and October will take place on Wednesday 11th October.
A huge THANK YOU to so many who have subscribed already.