“The Derbyshire Rural Chaplaincy and Rural Action Derbyshire celebrate the annual High Peak Livestock society carol service. We normally gather for the carol service in the main store ring at Bakewell Livestock Market; however, given we cannot sing and we certainly couldn’t socially distance the 6 to 700 people that normally come together for worship, this year Alan Griggs has pre-recorded the service from farms and fields across Derbyshire this year!
With a foreword by Alastiar Sneddon of Bagshaws, we welcome Philip Holland, our wonderful Derbyshire poet, Bel Canto and St Anne’s Church Choir from Baslow, Youlgrave Brass Band will lead our carols and Rev’d Alan Griggs, the Lead Rural Chaplain will be sharing a reflection. The service will also include beautiful images of Derbyshire provided by Sophie Wilson photography and others.
For more details please contact Rev’d Alan Griggs on 07710 088972 or email: a.griggs@ruralactionderbyshire.org.uk
Details and video can also be accessed here: https://www.ruralactionderbyshire.org.uk/farmers-online-carol-service-2020