Thursday 1st – First Advent Window – 5pm – Beresford Tearooms

Thursday 1st  – Folk Club – 8-10.30pm – Village Hall

Sunday 4th – Parish Council/HCG/Oddfellows – “Christmas tree light up”- 5pm Village Green with Carols and Mulled Wine/Mince pies

Thursday 8th – Parish Council Meeting – 7.30pm – Upper Bakehouse – Village Hall

Saturday 10th – 8pm Live music with Ray Vonn at the Royal British Legion – Free entry

Sunday 11th – Willow Weaving – 2-6pm – Village Hall

Wednesday 14th – Informal Flora – 1-3pm -Village Hall

Wednesday 14th – Hartington C of E Primary School  Nativity – 6pm St Giles’ Church followed by Pie and Pea supper- ticket only

Thursday 15th – Folk Club – 8-10.30pm – Village Hall

Friday 16th – Carol Singing around the village – meet at tree- 6pm

Sunday 18th – Carol Service – 6.30pm – St Giles’ Church – NOTE time change due to the World Cup Final !

Saturday 24th Crib Service – 4pm – St Giles’ Church

Saturday 24th Midnight Mass – 11.30pm St Giles’ Church

Sunday 25th Christmas Day Church Service – 9.30am St Giles’ Church