There have been a number of residents raising the issues of failed bin collections. Please be aware that the Parish Council have continually raised this issue with Derbyshire Dales District Council.
This is the latest Bins Update from DDDC and despite issues being identified there is no mention of failure to collect in Hartington. BINS – Monday update – Derbyshire Dales District Council
You can contact the Derbyshire Dales Waste Collection Department via:
Report: missed waste collection ( – online reporting form BUT also phone 01629 761 100, ask to speak to the Manager of Waste Services, if not present request a callback.
After 7 failed collections last year and numerous emails, phone calls and Tweets ( @derbyshiredales ) contact was made with the Director of Environmental Services who then met with Serco to discuss the issue. Sadly, it does require some persistence.
Failing all this a reminder:
Your DDDC local councillor can be found here : Councillors by ward – Derbyshire Dales District Council
Your MP can be contacted at :