The Hartington Village website is a free site for the community, by the community. The main purpose of the site is to be a community hub providing locals and visitors alike with information about the village including news, local events and a history archive. The site will also showcase the diverse local village businesses for free.
For local business
The ability to directly edit your local business listing, add photos, opening times, website details, contact details, detailed maps, events etc. If you’ve not currently got a website then this can act as an intermediate one, and it’s completely free to businesses in the Hartington area.
HCG Events
Full event listings for the year
Live RSS feed for new events and news, keep up to date with the latest via mobile.
News & Views
Electronic versions of the latest “News & Views” for Hartington & District and e-versions of the Archive.
History Group Wiki
Already in development the Wiki aims to be the number 1 internet source for the history surrounding Hartington, articles, photos and other memorabilia have kindly been provided by the Hartington History Group and village residents.
For more information, or to add your business to the site, please e-mail or complete the form below;
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