Safer Neighbourhood Policing

Message sent by Bethany Fletcher (Police, Staff, Derbyshire) Bakewell, Sheldon Over Haddon and Ashford, Tideswell, Litton, Baslow and Beeley, Stanton, Youlgreave and White Peak Villages, Safer Neighbourhood Policing Teams governance meeting is on Wednesday 30th April...

Derbyshire Alert – Rogue Traders

Message sent by Bethany Fletcher (Police, Staff, Derbyshire) Police and trading standards officers in Derbyshire and Derby City are urging residents to be alert and to think twice before employing doorstep callers or traders. The advice comes as police are seeing an...

Holiday booking fraud prevention

  Detectives issue advice to prevent residents in Derbyshire falling victim to holiday booking frauds as part of an initiative to Stamp out Fraud. According to recent statistics from the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) fraudsters stole an estimated...

Collect free Farm Watch packs

  The following is for Farm Watch members Officers from Bakewell Safer Neighbourhood Team are reminding local farms to collect their free Farm Watch packs. All farms are invited to collect their Farm Watch packs from Bakewell Police Station. These packs contain...