Calling all parents of pre-school children…… please take a look at the Hartington CoE Primary School website: https://hartington.derbyshire.sch.uk/, especially the info on the first page:
‘If your child was born between 1st September 2017 and 31st August 2018, you must apply by midnight on 15th January to book them a place at a Primary School. Apply on line at www.derbyshire.gov.uk/admissions or call 01629 533190
Why not give Hartington C of E Primary School a call to see what we can offer your child on 01298 84254 or email the school at info@hartington.derbyshire.sch.uk
Members of our teaching team are always pleased to show prospective parents around our village school where ‘Education is at the heart of the Community’. We have a very dedicated and experienced team of staff who work tirelessly to provide a differentiated and stimulating curriculum for your child to engage in.’