The weather held steady for a very successful 2019 Well Dressing and Poppy Queen Crowning on Saturday 7th September followed by the Hartington Wakes Sports and Country Show on Sunday. The School Well And the Village Pump were blessed by Father Lionel, acompanied by the Poppy Queen and the Warslow Silver Band.
Crowning of the Popy Queen took place in the Village Hall where there were also a number of stalls, the Fancy Dress Competition and Chilli and Bread. After judging of the fabolous entries the Winner of the Royal British Legion Scarecrow Competition was announced as The Fantastic Mr Fox created by Beresford Tearooms. Hopefully there will be more photos of the Well Dressing events posted soon.
Don’t forget the Hartington Royal British Legion Duck Race at the Village Pond – Wednesday 11th September 6.00pm and the September Draw of the Village Lottery also at 6pm Wednesday in the Charles Cotton Hotel