Although the planned events for the village have had to be cancelled here are some ideas of how to be involved in commemorating VE Day 75 at home.

Many in Hartington will be observing a Two Minute Silence at 11.00am.

Please visit the following websites and links for ideas on how to take part.

The Royal British Legion have produced materials on their website:

  • live VE Day 75 livestream at 11.15am
  • National moments of Remembrance and thanksgiving, including a Two Minute Silence
  • UK-wide singalong to Vera Lynn’s ‘We’ll Meet Again at 9pm
  • VE Day learning pack for children aged 7-14 years
  • An evening of memories and music in partnership with the BBC from 8pm on BBC One

Derbyshire Dales DC have provided a number of ideas on their website including toolkits and recipes along with advice around Social Distancing.

English Heritage have also provided packs to download and ideas for the day.

The Royal Albert Hall are streaming a live concert from the Royal Albert Hall from 6pm on Friday 8th (on demand therefter) featuring Dame Vera Lynn. For details see :

Some have suggested sitting in front gardens (abiding by Social Distancing regulations) around 4pm for afternoon tea and some bunting is available for loan from the Post Office for those who wish to borrow it.

A sing-along, again from front gardens, and abiding by Social Distancing regulations, has been suggested to coincide with the National Sing-along of “We’ll Meet Again” from 9.00pm.

Some may also like to photograph their celebration events which could then be uploaded to the village website to form a collage of the day. If you are happy for your photos to go on the website please send then to A “special” of Hartington Gardens could post the afternoon tea photos from gardens. Alternatively you could post photos directly on the Hartington Community Group Facebook Page. ***By sending photos you are giving permission for them to be uploaded to the Hartington Village website/Facebook and Hartington Community Group Facebook pages.***