The needed urgently list this week is for tinned spaghetti, tinned spag bol, spaghetti hoops etc. Also macaroni cheese. They now have sufficient nappies & cereal, pasta & soups. But would welcome rice, especially the microwave bag rice. Please leave all Food Bank Donations at the Post Office. Donated items will be taken weekly, on a Wednesday morning, to the Ashbourne Food Bank.

Please note that items should not be perishable, must be within Use By or Best Before Date and should not include alcohol.

You can support the Foodbank by bank transfer to Elim Church: account 18534112; sort code 60-05-16. Please use Foodbank as the reference to ensure your money reaches the right place. You can Gift Aid your donation.

Please see: Ashbourne Food Bank | Facebook or

Food bank – Ashbourne Elim Church for further details.