A copy of the Hartington Town Quarter revised Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for consultation under Neighbourhood Planning Regulation 14 will be delivered to all dwellings within our parish by early December 2021.
This copy has been updated from the draft issued in October 2018 and incorporates responses from our community and statutory bodies, including the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA), as well as addressing updates to legislation. Any responses to this latest version must be received by the end of January 2022.
These responses will then be considered by the steering committee so that a final NDP, taking account of relevant responses, can be submitted, together with all associated statutory documentation, to the PDNPA. Once the PDNPA have accredited the plan, an Inspector will review it, and once approved, it will be subject to a village referendum.
In addition to this printed copy the NDP is available on-line under the Neighbourhood Plan section of the village website and under the Neighbourhood Plan section of the Parish Council website
An online fillable PDF is also available here
A few printed copies will also be available in Hartington Post Office and Village Hall Library
1. Hand in your written comments and/or completed questionnaires to Hartington Post Office or post to; Neighbourhood Plan, Hartington Post Office, 4 The Beresford Tea Rooms, Hartington SK17 0AL
2. Email your comments to
3. Complete the online PDF here: NDP Questionnaire, download/print and send to
Please note all comments must be received by Monday 31 January 2022