******* If you are interested in participating please submit the application form, included in the November N&V, downloading from here or by email request to adventwindows2022@btinternet.com to Stuart or Liz H at Hall Bank House, by phone 687148, or by email to adventwindows2022@btinternet.com by 5pm Friday November 11th 2022. ******
Thanks to those who have already applied. Please note that the email is active and working so if you had not had a reply within two days, or your email fails or is bounced back please use another way to apply. Thanks !
As part of Hartington Christmas 2022 we are hoping you, your family or business will prepare an Advent Window display with this year’s theme of “A Christmas Carol” (or song or the Charles Dickens Novel of the same name).
Starting on Thursday 1st December for the 24 days prior to Christmas and following the usual Advent Calendar format a new Advent Window will be revealed somewhere in the village at 5pm each day. Once “lit”, each window must be “relit” each evening at 5pm until Christmas. The location of each window will be announced on the village website, www.hartingtonvillage.com & the village Facebook pages (@hartingtonvillage @HartingtonCommunityGroup) the night before along with a photo of the previous window. Each window will display a number in Advent Calendar tradition.
We are looking for 22 volunteers to accept the challenge to design and display their Advent Window, in addition to the ones at the Church and the school.
The design brief for the windows is simple; “A Christmas Carol” which can be linked either to a favourite Christmas Carol or Song or to the Charles Dickens Novel of the same name. For the competitive amongst you ……sorry, this one is not a competition!
The window should be in a location that is visible and safe to view from the roadside and when displaying your window care should be taken with regard electrical and fire safety! Using the application form please provide three dates when you could light your Advent Window. Where possible we will make use of 1st choice dates but to ensure all days until Christmas are covered this cannot be guaranteed. If more than 22 volunteers we would ask if some would be reserves for this year.
We are hoping this will be a lot of fun in both the making and the display of your Advent Window.
Download Application Form: Word Document : Advent Windows Application Form 2022 Online
Download Application Form: pdf : Advent Windows Application Form 2022 Online