Warning from Derbyshire Alert:
Sadly we are seeing continued reports of WhatsApp accounts being taken over.
No matter how plausible the explanation, or even if you know and trust the person making contact, you must NEVER forward/read out/screenshot or in any way disclose ANY codes sent to you by WhatsApp – these are unique codes that would allow someone else to log in to YOUR account and take it over, kicking you out.
They are then able to make contact with all your contacts, in your name and image! Whilst some are lucky and quickly regain control of their accounts, for others it can take at least SEVEN DAYS!
Whilst we have your attention, let’s get your WhatsApp protected :
- Set up to 2 step verification. Open WhatsApp, click on the three dots > Settings > Account > Two-step verification
- Check your linked devices regularly. Go to WhatsApp Settings > Linked Devices to review all devices linked to your account. To remove a linked device you don’t recognise, tap the device > Log Out.Please help us spread the word and #Tell2 friends, family, neighbours … anyone who will listen!!
This is one of the many subjects we cover in our webinars and talks to the public. If you are a member of a group who would be interested in us running our Cyber Awareness, Fraud and Scams session, drop us an email on cyber@derbyshire.police.uk