IMPORTANT: Operational changes for bin collections – Derbyshire Dales District Council
We apologise again for the inconvenience but the aim of this plan is to ensure that all 34,000 households in the Derbyshire Dales get the best possible waste collection service in the current emergency situation.
- There will be no food waste collections (we are currently the only authority in Derbyshire to offer a separate food waste collection service).
- Food waste should be put in household waste containers for the period of these emergency measures.
- To help us complete rounds no *excess* recycling will be collected – please contain recycling in your blue bin (*or* 2 blue bags + blue box for residents on a sack collection round who don’t have a bin).
- During the emergency measures, if we don’t manage to collect your waste within 4 days of its scheduled collection we won’t be able to return until your next collection date.
- However, where we have missed an assisted collection or bins have been missed for a number of weeks we will do everything we can to get back to you. Continue to report any missed collections at
- We’re also looking to introduce mobile ‘bring sites’ to hotspot locations across the district on Saturdays – a waste truck where residents can bring excess recycling. More on this will follow later.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding.