Day 40 of Hartington Virtual Open Gardens 2020 and today we return to the garden of Keith and Al.
One of numerous Alliums about to burst out while the second image is of a Rhodendron bud slowly coming into bloom. The third image shows
Euphorbia whilst the fourth shows pansies & tulips that have
flourished in the late April sunshine. The final photo shows blossom on our Lord Derby apple tree that is entering it’s second year in the garden.
Thanks to all who have contributed to this venture and please do send in more of your gardens as the weeks pass. Max 5 photos per post and of what makes your garden a special place, the flowers, the pots, the pets and the wildlife. Photos and short commentary to please.
The next garden will feature at 9.00am on May 11th 2020.
** Also accepting photos from around the village, not just the gardens, from VE Day 75 for another photo summary of the day. Please ensure all pemissions have been sought and given to post images when they include identifiable people **