- Approval of minutes from 14/10/2020 LB (5 mins)
- Matters Arising KQ (5 mins)
- Chair’s Report KQ ( 15 mins)
- Treasurer’s Report KC (15 mins)
- Appointment of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer 2021/2022 LB (10mins)
- Points raised by members of the community All (10 mins)
Management Group meeting at 7.00pm
- Minutes of meeting of 02/08/2021 LB (5 mins)
- Matters Arising KQ (5 mins)
- Progress on bookings LB/LG (10 mins)
- Lottery 2021/22 update DG (5 mins)
- Insurance 2021/2 KQ (5 mins)
- Kitchen refurbishment- discussion on route forward All (30 mins)
- Budget plan 2021/2 KQ/KC (15 mins)
- Property review KW/JG/KQ (5 mins)
- Date of next meeting
Meeting in the Village Hall